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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Many a False Step is Made by Standing Still

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!

In life we can't expect things to come to us...we must seek opportunities.
The best dinner is the one that's prepared in advance...
After all...life is just a recipe...isn't it?..kind of like a personal test kitchen..
Trial and error...at least in error..we know we tried!
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Good Boss

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!

I was thinking that I spend a lot of time sharing my tips and tricks on what to do when you are in a "spot".
It seems only fitting the week before Thanksgiving to let my dear followers know that there are "good bosses".
Happening once in my life (and I consider that lucky!) I can tell you it makes the world of difference when you know someone has your back. There is no such thing as "your" mistake...it becomes "our" mistake and "we" fix it.
This manager is confident and in their confidence they instill trust and motivate and yes...the tried and true...lead by example. This doesn't mean they are easy...they are demanding but, hey...who cares because as they push the envelope and you are able to reach your potential...and...they never ask you to do something they wouldn't do themselves.
They have a sense of fairness!
This post is a Thanksgiving tribute to "The Good Boss"....you know who you are...thank you:)
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Case of The Evil Boss

Hello All You Help Wanted Seekers!

Once upon a time everyone encounters "The Evil boss" and, this Yenta is not immune...they come in many forms...some are self-serving...some are selfish and some extract your ideas and claim them for their own.
Learning how to deal with the situation is like a defensive driving course...and...we know what the best defense is...(for those who don't...it's a great offense...of course!)
So, here are some of Yenta's tried and true tips for the case of the Evil Boss.

1) Get to know your boss...identify his/her "hot buttons"
2) Communicate...communicate...communicate (I can't stress this enough! beware don't overdo it..this can backfire and be used against you..don't worry, in time you will find the right balance
3) Don't fall prey to "he/she won't last long"...rather think they will be there forever..it will help you focus
4) Don't manage up...NEVER EVER complain to his/her manager....believe me the next level manager will see right through this and after all...this person is the next level's hire!
5) Make your boss look good...it's so important that others praise you to your boss..it will build a Teflon shield around you
6) "Giving" your manager a concept or idea is the key to "Manage your Manager"

I guarantee, when you get through Step 6 your misery will turn to confidence and you will live happily ever after...(til the next time!)

It's 11/11/11...there are at least 33 reasons to celebrate this day...Happy Veteran's Day...

Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")