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Tuesday, May 01, 2012

All A Twitter...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Your dear devoted EY has been bitten by the Twitter bug...I'm so afraid I might miss a Tweet or two..or... four and twenty...no, wrong....not blackbirds...not Tweety Bird....
Seriously, this form of the Social Media craze is fast!...you can get your CV out to thousands in a blink and a click..
But, please be prepared..experienced "tweeters" can smell a newbie a keyboard away...
So, take it from this novice ....think before you "tweet"...you need to walk before your fingers run along the keyboard.
First impressions count!
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")


  1. That's ok. Some of us don't even bite :-) Twttr is fast but like a freeway you get accustomed to the speed pretty quickly. So jump in, test the waters....we are shark free :-)


    1. Dear Dean,
      I have tested the waters and although warm I can attest there are more Tunas than Sharks:)
      Looking forward to more conversation and hope you become "hooked" on the EY Blog:)(pun intended!)
