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Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Fifty Shades Trilogy and Becoming the Master of Your 401k Plan

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!

By now everyone has heard about The Fifty Shades Trilogy (Shades of Grey, Darker and Freed)...and...if you haven't...hit Google now....
The story has made quite a media splash and was featured last week on 20/20. It’s a tale about a young girl who is "subservient" to an entrepreneur who can offer her all things that money can buy including opportunities in first rate companies that he buys on a whim.
Some readers are outraged at the story which signifies that a smart, attractive woman could become a second class citizen to a man. Shades, introduces us to Ana, a recent college grad that is idealistic about life and inexperienced when it comes to love. She meets Christian Grey, a self-made millionaire and CEO of his own company who has deeply seeded ambitions to “control” all in his life including Ana both sexually and monetarily. It becomes easy for Ana to be caught up with expensive gifts, high tech toys and unimaginable “trysts”. But, is the story really portraying this? Or....is the story showing us a young woman's struggle to become acquainted with her inner self?...The trilogy can in the eyes of the reader show us that a woman has the ability to make decisions in all aspects of her life...
If there are "Shades of Grey"  ...one thing must remain black and white...do NOT confuse your personal life with your business life...it is a recipe for disaster. The key to a successful 401k portfolio is diversity and level of risk. When spouses work for the same company, their choice of retirement investments are limited which can cause a lack of growth and if the company goes under their combined efforts will follow suit.
Even in the best of scenarios....why would you put all of your eggs into one 401k basket??
Here are some pitfalls to avoid:
1.       Tomorrow is another day: It may have worked for Scarlett O’Hara but, it won’t work here. One of the biggest mistakes is not contributing at all to your company’s 401k plan. Contributing lowers your annual taxable income, and many employers match an employees’ contribution up to a certain amount. This is like getting free money that’s not taxable.
2.       Time Waits for No One: Start early. A Bankrate.com publication stated the following calculation:  “Let's say you invest $200 a month beginning at age 25, and you earn 7 percent annually on that money. By the time you turn 65, you will have about $525,000 saved up. If you wait until you're 35 to begin saving, assuming the same monthly investment and rate of return, you'll have amassed less than half that amount -- about $244,000”
3.       Forbidden Fruit:  It can be very tempting in bad times to use your 401k as a piggy bank but, withdrawing funds can create steep penalties and the money you withdraw (which was not taxed to begin with) will be taxed at your income tax rate.
4.        At Your Own Risk: Younger investors can afford more risk tolerance, while those closer to retirement should be apportioned in more stable options (which leads up to #5)
5.       Beware and Be Aware: Review your choices at least once and year and read your quarterly statement. We are all guilty of “how many hours are in a day”. But, your 401k could be your retirement ticket. Life events like marriage, divorce, bad news about your company, market swings can make things change.. and …your company plan may change.
6.       Hidden Costs: Most people don’t know what their 401k plan is costing them. There are fees taken off the top and given to Wall Street to “manage your account”. Beginning in May 2012, 401k contributors will receive a statement with the breakdown of where the money being allocated for fees is going. It’s a good idea to be in the know!
7.       New Kid on the Block: When you start a new job and you’re the new kid on the block…it goes without saying that you are in the “I gotta prove myself mode”…don’t forget…new job…new 401k plan. While you will still have the other plan…wouldn’t it be easier to roll your plans into one? 
So….KISS = Keep It Simple, Silly and with some work and a (little market luck) - hopefully your retirement life can be Fifty Shades of Green…
 Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Stamp of Rejection....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
A bit about rejection...as a recruiter...this is the hardest call to make...sure, it's easy to extend an offer...but, what about the person(s) who doesn't get the job??...I can't tell you how many times I have thought about "the person left behind"..And, if you have ever been "the person left behind" (and your EY has certainly been there and done that too!)...rest assured...you will land on your feet one day...and...you might be called to interview someone ...sitting opposite you may be the person who left you behind!
Smile..there's a silver lining in every cloud:)
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Friday, May 11, 2012

What My Mother Taught Me...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers..
It's Mother's Day weekend and a few days ago a Tweet appeared..."what has your mother taught you"..so, I started to think about my mom...she was a mix of Lucille Ball and Julia Child...she had fierce integrity and a sharp wit...but, what I remember the most...is she taught me how to be a good mother..(she was a great mother)...what I mean is...she instilled the importance of giving (and oh yes) getting honest and constructive feedback...
A mother is a the person who loves you know matter what..and...when she tells you she doesn't care for your haircut, your dress is too long or your pants are too short...it's because she loves you..
So, on this Mother's Day...this post is for my son...without you...how would I be a mom??
Happy Mother's Day....ALL...
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

A Fate Worse than Death!

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
The answer to the above..."No Internet"....
Your dear EY has been without a connection for more than 24 hours...Sitting here..unplugged...disconnected...I began to to reflect...
I have lived through The Age of Aquarius, The Age of Innocence and believe me..I don't want to go back to the Dark Ages any time soon!
As my fingers twitched..I wondered..."is this how my son feels without FB, LI, Twitter???"...can I blame him for his ever present appendages...his Mac and his IPhone...
I did have a chance to catch up via the phone...thank you, Alexander Graham Bell!
Now, it's Tuesday....take a minute to appreciate all you have...and...I'm getting back to work!
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Thursday, May 03, 2012

The Lonely Planet of a Blogger....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Someone on Twitter (you know who you are) mentioned to EY that it's lonely out here in the Land of Blogger..
A writer wonders, ponders, worries...are the words across this screen taken in the right context...do they laugh as I do..do they smirk as I would...are they even interested!...it must be imminent ....that... with all the buttons, follows and clicks..someday I may be watching The Shark Tank and someone...anyone...will invent a button that will create instant gratification....The Wizard of Bloggery may prompt an installation of applause as I hit the "publish" button...and F10 may cause an "ooouuuing and ahhhhing" when someone visits..
But, then again...there are many stories in the Land of Blogger and this is just one of them!
Your (not so lonely) Yenta...(Just call me "T")
PS If you want to "Pin Me" down...leave a comment:)

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

All A Twitter...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Your dear devoted EY has been bitten by the Twitter bug...I'm so afraid I might miss a Tweet or two..or... four and twenty...no, wrong....not blackbirds...not Tweety Bird....
Seriously, this form of the Social Media craze is fast!...you can get your CV out to thousands in a blink and a click..
But, please be prepared..experienced "tweeters" can smell a newbie a keyboard away...
So, take it from this novice ....think before you "tweet"...you need to walk before your fingers run along the keyboard.
First impressions count!
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")