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Saturday, March 17, 2012

The End of Innocence....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Don Henley is still around...the Baby Boomers are retiring...or...are they?....more and more people are returning to the workforce AFTER they retire.....there's a deep commitment that "seasoned" professionals offer ...they can enhance a corporate culture with integrity and teach "new additions" the tricks of navigating the system...
So, all of you Baby Boomers out there..."it ain't over til it's over!"
Dust off that CV ....and...resume readers...(yours truly included)....a balanced workplace is the best workplace!
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")


  1. I have a hunch I was "passed by" for a job working with and for college-age people. Because at 55 I think and LOOK young, I feel a little hurt because I would have brought a lot to the job. I have a consultation next Friday with an executive recruiter, so, wish me luck!

  2. Dear Brainy,
    I do wish you luck...in life a job is like a bus...there will another one along soon..you are taking the right actions!
