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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Putting Things in Perspective....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
This is the time of year when people are running in circles and different directions...it's a race to the finish.. when the last present is wrapped and the last card is stamped...it's time to take a look back and put things in perspective.
The English (American to be specific) language can be interpreted in many ways...words can be manipulated..taken out of context and unlike numbers...words leave a lot of "grey"...I guess they can cause "grey" hair too, if we linger too long on them!
One person's perception is their reality....if a person trusts you enough to tell you what's on their mind...then you have accomplished something...it's when we aren't trusted or considered trustworthy....that those who know us seek alternative ways.....well...there's no other way for me to say this but "blow us off"....
The bottom line is...if someone thinks enough of you to tell you what's really on their mind...don't dwell or take things out of perspective....celebrate the trust you've earned...
Now go out and buy yourself a present...you deserve it!
Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T")

Thursday, December 06, 2012

What is a Mensch?

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
What is a mensch?....is it animal, vegetable or mineral?....
In life if you live what you believe and believe what you live...you evolve to become the person you are....no matter what you believe...
The fact is....you control who you are...it's easy to say things happen for a reason...but, to effect change in your life you have to be able to "find" the reason....
According to Yenta's # 1 favorite source "Wiki"...
"A mensch "human being" in Yiddish means a person of integrity and honor. The word has been loaned to American English..the meaning goes on "mensch means a good person, like "a stand up guy", a person with the qualities one would hope for in a dear friend or trusted colleague"....
I hope you know a mensch...I do!
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Let's Talk Turkey...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
I thought about a special entry for today...and...the message I wanted to convey....it's simple...
Be thankful for what you have...look forward to what you can achieve...develop in the areas where you want to grow..
Show those you know that you care...hold the door open for someone you don't know..
Understand that things don't necessarily happen for a reason...there are reasons for everything....
Happy Thanksgiving...
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Friday, November 09, 2012

In the Days that Followed...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
 Challenging the status quo, ensuring that all candidate slates are diverse, thinking outside the box and tapping into lesser known sources, rich with talent. Not only bringing talent on board but, making sure that our business partners are fully informed in an effort to keep this new found talent engaged and functional.
Building strong alliances by being honest, dutiful and diligent..
It is not "my" mantra but, every human resources professional across the board.
For those of you who are troubled by the outcome of the last few days....with the election...mother nature...and a myriad of issues individual to each.....
The thought remains that we "can" make a choice...that some never know what "we" take for granted...
I do feel there is "change" in the air....and...I do know that it's difficult for people to accept change...
I watched last night as the leader from "the other side"....said...there would be compromise....(be still my heart)....there would be partnership...there would be collaboration...his words thrilled me....
I turned off the TV....the computer.....and....savored the moment...
I realized...as I am sure this leader did...people are tired of fighting with each other....people are tired of watching the gridlock....radical behavior is just that...."radical" and rather than unite...it divides...
It seems to me....albeit the radicals....that "the other side" realizes that they need to be more open and more inclusive...they need to infuse with people "that don't just look like them"...
Of course, the underlying cause might be that now and finally "the other side" understands people frown at those who deliberately remain immobile...
Maybe they see that more of the same behavior will backfire....again in 2016.....maybe they know we have had enough....and maybe for me...I can go back to being...
Rocket J. Squirrel....(Your Employment Yenta...Just call me "T")

Monday, November 05, 2012

Butter or Parkay?

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
The age old question...butter or parkay?.....does that mean... is it real?...not real?...or unreal?
In life we all make decisions...it's the best part of living..and...along with our decisions are the responsibilities of accepting the outcomes of our actions....if we make a mistake (lots of those here in Yentaland)... own up to it..
But, if you manipulate the truth and lie to the people....well..then as they said in The Emerald City..."that's a horse of a different color"....
So, no matter what you believe to be right or wrong...just tell the truth..the whole truth and nothin' but the truth...
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Friday, November 02, 2012

The Young Man and the Tissue

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers...
The old man shuffled down the street...he was bent over with age and his nose was running but, his intent on getting home was purposeful.
Most were in their own worlds...heading back from work and school....they didn't even glance his way....
There was one young man who eyed him...he searched his pockets for a tissue...none to be found..so, he ducked into the nearest store and bought a pocket pack...
Exiting the store with his purchase and, knowing the man couldn't get too far....he caught up to him and offered a tissue...
The old man was grateful...took a tissue from the small pack and handed it back...
The young man said, "no, keep them....where do you live"......they continued walking...and..on the way they discussed the man's participation in WWll.....arriving safely at his apartment building, the old man thanked him for the conversation...and...the young man thanked him for his service....
That young man is my son....Take the time to talk to someone and make a difference...
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

The Empty Suit Syndrome

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Even an experienced interviewer can make a hiring error. This blog post is dedicated to the brave men and women who "ask" the questions and evaluate the "answers".
I don't know about you but, this Yenta would prefer to hear, "an accomplishment..well yes, there are a few but, my greatest is when I helped a team member who was struggling to grasp a concept and I was able to simplify the process and put him/her on the right track"....Does that save money?? ..You bet it does...because the alternative of the person failing will cost more in the long run of repeating the hiring and training process...
Of course, we can't ask the question...."Explain a time for me when you didn't get what you want...what happened?"
I wonder what would happen if we had a "candidate cam"...and..we could observe people in their own environments....a little too much Big Brother??.....maybe...but, I bet our turnover would be minimal....
Sometimes, "the empty suit".....is just that...and...what you don't see is what you get!
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Thursday, October 25, 2012

EY Hits the Big Apple

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Your dear EY went back to her roots this weekend and hit the Big Apple....
The streets were crowded....the stores were mobbed....Broadway shows were in sell out mode and restaurants had a 2 1/2 hour wait.

I even frequented a restaurant that touted to have the #10 Ladies Room in the country...and...the vote was on to make it #1...How could I pass up an opportunity to see that "facility"...and..what a "facility" it was...waterfalls and all.

When someone thinks of NYC an iconic man comes to mind...The Donald...This morning I awake to learn that Mr. Trump has "challenged" the President. He is offering the President five million dollars to be donated to the charity of his choice..in exchange for the release of the President's college records.

Is this how charity works???.....you give with the expectation of getting???....
I'm pretty sure if someone pulled a stunt like that on The Celebrity Apprentice....we would hear the familiar echo from Mr. Trump....."YOU'RE FIRED".....

Of course, Mr. Trump and the rest of the Trumpettes have money to burn and a political agenda...

Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T")

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Where's the Binder???

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
The question of the day...."Where's the Binder?"....
As a card carrying....full fledged recruiter...with a long history of championing women in the workforce...
I ask.....how ridiculous is the notion of inquiring among Women's Groups for referrals...
In a city...Boston....does this make any sense??......Honestly, if "someone" couldn't find a better answer then "a binder full of women"...then there must be something wrong with "someone"....perhaps we should ask to see the "binder".....
George Orwell's 1984 novel finds the one thing people fear the most....maybe "someone" should be in a room filled with women holding a binder!
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Voice of the People

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
I love this Blog because it is the place where I can find my voice. The trick is....who will listen?....we are a civilized people...we are steeped in Science...Technology...and..walking on the moon....it's a walk in the park.
I don't want to go back before Roe vs Wade.....I know what it felt like to be without health insurance and a child with a congenital heart defect...I was not a bottom feeder....or..."dependent" on government.....just a regular middle class Jane who needed to get my battery jump started...and...I did....because I depended on ME...
I don't think the Statue of Liberty states:
"Give me your glib....your arrogant with slicked back hair...your very rich gathered together to suck all the air out of the middle class"....
I direct this to the middle class...when was the last time YOU met a millionaire who offered you something without the idea of capitalizing or benefiting from their generosity....
I am seeking an honest pilgrim...who knows how I feel without having a loaf of bread under each of their arms...
If you haven't walked in my shoes...you can't know how I feel....
Tread lightly....when people "suddenly" change...we need to ask..."why"....
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Saturday, October 06, 2012

No Sightings of Curious George at the BLS...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Rest assured, Curious George is not employed at the Bureau of Labor Statistics. For once, can't there be some genuine elation over the fact that the jobs report is positive?....The BLS has been reporting these metrics for over ninety years and now 31 days before the election we are told the fix is in!....Ridiculous....even the man with the Yellow Hat is appalled.
It's Good News, people...get your motor running!..get out on the highway!...looking for adventure! and JOBS are on their way...
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Friday, October 05, 2012

Apologies? No thank you! - Update and Correction!

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
First let me say...your dear EY is always open to constructive feedback..and..this morning her good friend the Employment Goombah asked for clarification. So, here goes...instead of pointing to the "Elephant" in the room...observe a person when they are not getting what they want..that dear followers, is the REAL person!
Is it really true?...is love never having to say you're sorry?....I don't think so...almost only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades.
EY has raised her son to "think before you speak"....Once the words are out of your mouth you cannot take them back.
Being trained as a behavioral based interviewer we are taught that past behavior predicates future behavior....and....if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck....well, I guess it is a duck!
So, dear followers....I know there are many who will think I am an a**.....(pun intended)....
But, when someone...anyone....speaks their true mind... when they don't think they are being observed (and, have denied it until yesterday, I might add)...Now, finally...the words........ "just completely wrong."...easy peasy, huh?
How many times have you told your children....an apology is an easy way out...
Now, who's the a**??
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Relocation Can Mean Dislocation....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Dedicated to those brave souls who accept a job and "relocate"...relocating can be an exciting adventure...moving from one realm to the other....big city...small town...
There are so many emotions involved....new place...new job...new neighbors...even a new supermarket!
I recall relocating a candidate to NJ...the new hire came to me and said his wife was crying in the cereal aisle...I felt awful..how can someone cry between Fruit Loops and Cheerios??...but, she was overwhelmed...she had come from a place where there were 10 cereals...not 100 cereals...it was then I realized....how disconnected she must have felt...
For those hiring...make a list of preferred vendors in the area....pair up the new hire with someone he/she can relate to...if there's a family involved make sure the new "buddy" has a family...
It takes time for people to adjust ..and...a more productive employee is a more settled employee...
The hire doesn't end with the offer...it's just the beginning...
For the new employee...take advantage......if you don't have a "buddy" ask for one!
Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T")

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Labels are such:
100% pure
100% beef
100% cotton
100% guaranteed or your money back

When interviewing, make sure you let the interviewer know you will give 100% of yourself to the role..and the greater good...
Anything less, would be... not only cheating the perspective employer but, you will also be cheating yourself
As an interviewer....I want a person who has the interest of ALL the employees....not 53%....if that's the case..
What happens to the other 47%!
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
On my last trip to the supermarket I was perusing at the checkout line...candy, hyped up headlines and Archie, Oh My!....
Can it be...are there still people reading Archie, Veronica, Betty....and...of course Jughead!
I eyed the glossy cover and reminded myself of the Saturdays when the new editions hit the magazines in shops we called "candy stores"...what a great day when my mom would say..."go ahead get it"....I would race home read the perils at Riverside High School and promptly run next door to my best friend...and...exchange for a copy of another adventure of the three..
So, who is keeping this genre alive? My goodness... by now...Veronica must be a grandma.....Betty must have had some plastic fix up...Archie must be retired....and...what about Jughead?....is he the CEO of Comedy Central??
The moral of the story..
Learn from your past....add to your present....it's all in the future....
And, whatever you do...don't make the same mistake twice!
I just may pick up a copy of Archie, etc on my next grocery stop....it's like comfort food for the soul!
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Life and a Toll House Cookie...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
What's the secret about The "Original" Toll House Cookie?? I think it's the "semi-sweet" morsels that build flavor around the brown sugar and walnuts....while the walnuts are "optional"....and... can be substituted for other accoutrements....The one ingredient that remains a "must have" are those chocolate bits...
So, here's the deal....there are some things you can mess with...and...some you can't....I think there's something to be said about the "balance" the semi-sweet morsels create in this well known and long favored cookie..
When you strike the right recipe for "success"....add....mix...but, don't beat it to death....you won't be able to distinguish the flavors....
It's just the way the cookie crumbles!
Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T")

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Never Forget....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Everyone has a story and we shall never forget...9/11...11 years ago today...
It started out like any other day...it was the day after my son's 12th birthday...I was working for a large financial services company in NJ and I was supposed to go into NYC that day....last minute, my meeting was changed from Tuesday to Thursday....I had been busy the night before...homework help...laundry...the usual things for a working mom and wife...I forgot to tell my husband I wouldn't be going into the City the next day...it was no big deal...
The morning arrived...and...as we all know it....our lives changed forever....I wasn't walking across the bridge that connected the Towers to the WFC....but, my husband didn't know that....he was in Upper Manhattan teaching his class....and...then IT happened....we watched from the Trading room...the second plane circled and crashed...you could hear a pin drop in the usually noisy Trading room....
There's nothing more to say....it became silent around the world...
Never forget....how could we forget?
Be silent for a moment and remember..
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Thursday, September 06, 2012

It's Up to You....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
The jobs report comes out today and EY is sitting on the edge of her seat waiting for some good news!
The only way we can "rebuild" is one step at a time...it's not the "job" of one person to make this happen..
We all have to make it happen...houses are not piggy banks...it was proven that this action caused us to "pay the piper"....the employed need to realize no job is "perfect".....you have to create your own perfection....that's why we call it "work"....
One of my friends posted the following on Facebook:
"What would you do if you woke up today with only the things you thanked G-d for yesterday"....
Your dear EY gave this some serious thought...and...I came up with this:
"I would be thankful for yesterday....grateful for today...and....hopeful for tomorrow"....
This post is dedicated to CCP...a wise and wonderful woman who never ceases to inspire me...over the years keeping in touch with her has touched me deeply...
Find that person who inspires YOU....
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Tuesday, September 04, 2012


Hello All Help Wanted Seekers...
The new craze...WWF....no, not the World Wrestling Federation...It's Words with Friends..
So, I ask...do you always play with your "friends"...are they Facebook friends..mobile users or...
unknown people who appear with a perfect combination of seven letters.
Yes, your dear EY, is hooked too...and...the other night I was thinking...is there a Keebler elf that lives inside the mechanics of WWF....is it like a slot machine?....does the game know what's been played and offer letters that just won't work??
Or...devoted followers...am I just grasping for PERFECT....that I could build on for PERFECTION...
Triple word that...and..that's a mighty fine score!
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")
PS... I have noticed over the last few months that other Yenta bloggers have chosen to follow my lead..example...using initials..I love being a Trailblazing Yenta!!:)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

From the Coffee Cup of EY....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
It's not easy being an Employment Yenta...(don't try it at home, results may vary!)....being a Yenta means that although I may have an opinion...I hope to draw you to your own conclusions...
This is an election year and while I may "swing" to one side...I will not share "that" side with you..
I encourage you to listen to all sides....your friends and colleagues may try to sway you..
Stand tall, dear followers....we are privileged to live in the best of places.....and..we are all here for the greater good...
Whatever your choice...make sure it's YOUR choice...don't make the mistake of letting anyone choose for you!...there is no such thing as the "wrong" choice in these matters...what matters...is what you believe is right choice for YOU!
It's the American Way...
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Labor Day 2012...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
The official end to the summer is upon us...Labor Day is just around the corner...so, what does it mean?
New beginnings...the heats off...kids are back in school and the job market will open again..(I know..from Yenta's mouth to G-d's ears!)....Contrary to common belief....opportunity knocks more than once...so, answer the door!
Look for new connections on Linked In...Tweet....Follow and Lead...and...if you are selected for an interview and for some reason you can't make it in person...suggest a Skype...
Network...Fall into new habits....the days are getting shorter.....this means you have longer nights to put your dreams into place and create your future!...all things start with a "dream"....
Have a safe and happy Labor Day Weekend!
Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T")

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Pearls from Yenta..

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
And...loyal followers....it occurred to me this morning that there's no "male" equivalent to a "Yenta"...does this make "Yentas" smarter than men? No, 'course not!...but, it does cause pause to think of the differences....a Yenta is known for her common sense abilities...and...sensibilities...Read On, dear followers...
Your EY  does not have a political persuasion....she listens to all and makes her own decisions based on facts and the fictional facts that are fed to us...I come from a place...(Flower Power) which taught me to be open...fair....and..well, yes...truth be told rebellious when it comes to injustice...(maybe that's why I became an HR person...a sort of Glinda the Good Witch for the masses..adjusted as such!)....
Well, please don't adjust my knobs..my settings are perfectly tuned....there is no such thing as a "woman's womb being in a state of delight to conceive".....whoever said that?.....
There are reasons in this country why we can't ask potential employees:
How old are you?
Are you married?
Do you intent to get pregnant?
Are you fat or are you pregnant?
So, dear ones....shall we start to question..."Is your womb in a state of delight"...
This Yenta says...that's as absurd as a Male Yenta...
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Helper Games....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
This weekend The Hunger Games came out on DVD....I'm sure that the Blockbuster kiosk  was bursting and the Redbox (which claims to get movies first) were caught in a dispensing fever...
You may ask what does the 74th Annual Hunger Games have in common with The Helper Games...
Let me clue you in...
In the natural course of life you will ask for help...some ask for more than others...and...others are naturally givers...
Give or take...the rules remain the same...
There is courage in offering help as your opinions and advice may not work or be feasible...the other side of the coin is receiving help....sometimes you can ask for help and although you have offered your services in the past...the help you expected doesn't come...even your dear EY can be disappointed!
Yes, I have asked for help and I am reminded of my own advice and guidance...help yourself!....never "expect" anything in return and if there is a return your self investment will soar...
The Hunger Games is a tale about survival.....trust.....and...self-endurance....
Trust in yourself....your survival skills will endure the test of time...
So,.....don't be afraid to "Help".....and...."May the odds be ever with you"........
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Who's in the Dark??

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
You all know by now that your dear EY has moved to the "lightning strike capital" of the world! This city slicker is not accustomed to being a drowned country mouse....but, as in all things you know me.."I can adapt!"....so, while the lights were out this afternoon many things occurred....candidates were finalized, offers were readied....and the world kept goin' round...
The point is:
In the blink of an eye...things can change..and..when things are at their darkest...The light comes back on!!...
So, don't look forward to walking "into" the light....have the courage to weather the storm...
Every cloud has a silver lining!
Have you noticed...price of silver..is going up:)
Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T")

Lesley Gore...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers....
For those of you who remember....YAY! and for those who are scratching their heads...Lesley Gore had some hit songs in the 60's (yes, this flower child recalls!)...a famous one was..."It's My Party".....Poor Lesley....her boyfriend broke up with her and she had what I call..."A Pity Party".....she cried because it was HER party and that's the point, my dear devoted followers....
For lack of being more colorful...(this Blog is approved for all audiences!")..."stuff" happens....good or bad we can learn from the curves life throws us....the important lesson is to change the way you "think"....change the way you  "do"......you CAN celebrate something that doesn't quite go your way...it's all in the way you approach it...
Remember...if you decide to have "A Pity Party"....usually and most often YOU will be the only attendee...
Party of One? I think not!
Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T")

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Experience of the Inexperienced...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
No one likes a know it all..and..especially a know it all that doesn't have the experience to know it a little..
OK, dear devoted EY followers....say that three times fast...or...take a deep breath and read on...
"It's the new generation"....years ago EY's generation drank Coca Cola and CC capitalized on the tag line...today.... "the new generation" doesn't drink anything with "added preservatives", they wear plastic shoes, they text rather than talk and, they don't stick around long because they think they know enough to move on when they aren't getting what they want...
The first six months of any job is learning the environment....the second six months is building relationships to accomplish the tasks set forward....and...the second year is reaping the fruits of your labor....
A job is not like a train...there won't be another one in 15 minutes....
Don't be in such a rush.....the longer you stay....the more you know....and...before you know it...you "will" become a likeable know it all...
Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T")

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Tales from EY's Desk or The Telltale Heart

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Keep it Simple...if you can remember to KISS=Keep It Simple Silly....you have less of a chance to confusing your listener...
TMI is just what it means...Too Much Information...in conversation...(an interview is a conversation where one person wants to know more about the other)....when you first meet someone would you let them know what Jenny Craig thought of you??....or that your best accomplishment was ridding yourself of that "no good" spouse....
So, I ask...why would you inform this to an interviewer??
Yes, EY has heard it ALL... and.. it seems..there is "always" more...
Don't try to over analyze...don't use "excuses" for employment gaps...if you were off caring for a sick loved one..than you took a personal leave..that's IT...end of story...
They called for the interview..That's enough...now it's your turn to tell them why you are Perfect for the job!
So, leave The Telltale Heart to Edgar Allan Poe....
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Monday, August 06, 2012

Your Toolbox....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers...
Everyone has a toolbox....the treasures inside are your ideas, your goals and your dreams...every once in a while it's a good idea to check and see if any of these "items" are outdated....I mean,... would you keep an old Phillips screwdriver that stripped and can't perform....keep your tools sharpened....make sure your ideas aren't outdated...your goals are focused and your dreams are realistic....
After all you always want to have the "sharpest" tools in your kit!
And, if you do...that "toy" in your Happy Meal will be more valuable each day....
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Friday, August 03, 2012


Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
To Give Is Fabulous....Over the last couple of years I have been fortunate to share my experiences and the way your EY views things from the sunny side of the street! Obviously, in life there are lots of cloud bursts...I think it would get kinda boring without a little rain!
One of EY's dear devoted followers pointed out that my posts always begin with "Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!"...she questioned me as to "why are you limiting yourself to those looking for a job"....
Way back and posts before....I wrote that "help" comes in many forms...whether it's looking for a job, networking and preparing for a next job....or...getting along with others in all settings....there seems to be an "art" in everything we do...let me tell you...The first Macy's one day sale I went to...there was an "art" in getting through that crowd!
So, this is an open forum and many of you have contacted me directly....you all inspire me with topics....
Giving is Fabulous and I get so much in return!
Now...go enjoy your Summer Friday!
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I, Positive

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
I, Positive...no, it's not a new blood type..neither a donor or receiver...it's a way of thinking...when you radiate good..you receive good things in return...
It's not easy to be upbeat in this economy and we have definitely fallen on hard times...EY tells her son..."every knock you take builds character"...his response..."if I have any more character...I will fit right in at Disney!"
No, this isn't a sermon...it's a reminder...life is a series of boomerangs....and... each choice we make sets us up for the next...
So, What's Next? Who knows...I'm not a clairvoyant!....that's the beauty of life...stop reading the last page in the book!
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Monday, July 30, 2012

Words with Friends and Then Some....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Your word is your bond....you own and control it...in other words...you are accountable for your actions.
Most of the time when you are "in process" with a company...the recruiter will ask:
"what happens if we make you an offer and your current employer counteroffers"....
Counteroffers do not work for a myriad of reasons...think about it....where were they when they had you?
You say you are leaving and suddenly you are promotable??...
And, what about the company that has an accepted offer from you??
Words can always take on a different spin....and...this post can keep you honest!
Talk is cheap and "show me the money"....
Yesterday...one of my followers told me she is "Tall for her height!"....
In short...although I am short for my height... I am never short on wordy advice:)
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Small Business is Big Business...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Your dear EY has been doing some research....did you know there's a growing trend among retired workers to form a small business...........how about doing something you really love....take charge of your dreams.....some people are naturally curious...they take a concept and run with it....Velcro closings for sneakers?....although invented in 1948....Puma lead the way in  1968 to apply the use of Velcro for sneakers...
Out of work doesn't mean out of ideas..... retired? "re-hire" yourself!
And, if you are working....what's your sideline?
Everyone has an angle!
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Word About Recycling.....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
It seems to me that all too often we treat people like they are "disposable".....they can make a mistake five years ago and we still hang on to their "faux pas".....
A person can learn from their mistakes and be even better for them..
So, next time you toss a newspaper into the recycle bin....remember... you save trees....how about saving people....and..if you are brave enough to give someone a second chance.....they just might remember you when YOU need to be recycled!
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Monday, July 23, 2012

EY's Guide to the HR Galaxy.....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!

 Today's savvy world filled with buzz words like...

Learning Agility:   how much can you really teach an old dog
Global Mobility:   a not so free ticket to see the world
Development Needs:  he/she stinks at _______
Downsize, Right size:  stick a fork in...you are done!
Breaking down the silos:  Farmville neighbors sharing their "gifts"
Alignment:  Agree to Agree
Transition:  out of work
Hi Pot:  a person on the fast track..not a green leafy plant
Out of the Box thinking:  a person who scratches his/her head a lot
Self- starter:   Someone who does the job without training because there's no money for training
Multitask:   An action of throwing spaghetti or your ideas up on the wall and hoping one of them sticks
And last but not limited to my favorite:  "team player"...a person who had great parties in school

Beam me up, Scotty!....
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Saturday, July 21, 2012

@ALL; Thank you:)

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Your EY always tries to be polite...but, so little time and so much to do!
So, thank you "new" and "old" followers alike.. ....thank you for your RT = "re-tweets"....tweeting original and thought provoking tweets....blog entries...newsworthy articles to keep your attention..it's a lot!..and.....all on the Internet highway...thank goodness the Twitter police haven't pulled me over yet!
The notion of an officer with a shiny twitter badge..."ma'am...do you know why we are stopping you this evening"...
"I have no idea, officer"...."well, see here, EY you didn't thank someone for "re-tweeting" your pearls of wisdom...I'm gonna let you go with a warning this time...BUT don't let it happen again"...
So, as Elvis said..."thank ya very much..thank ya very much"
(I do appreciate all of my dear readers and followers)...
Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T")

Monday, July 16, 2012


Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Someone asked me if I "really" retired...what does that mean? does anyone really "ever" retire?
For EY, Retire is only a word in the dictionary....and...not her vocabulary....actually, work can be a "stressbuster"
Here are the benefits:
You eat less because you are drawn into the politics and your stomach is churning
You sleep less (which means you never miss a trick!) because you are plotting your next move
You  shop less because you are at your desk while the stores are open and you are way too tired by the time the weekend rolls around
You argue less with your significant other because you don't have a lot of time with them.
So, to sum things up...working means you are:
Thin, rich and very alert!
(what could be bad?)
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Friday, July 13, 2012

The World is a Stage....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
And....so is the interview room....sitting on the other side of the desk....and....being the one to be questioned...I would play the following game...
Pressing the imaginary button on my shoulder I would repeat ..."Ok...you're on!..the stage has been set and you are a one woman show!"....yes...it's nerve wracking....you've worked so hard to get to this point...another milestone in the "process"...don't fold now!
Rest up the night before...PRACTICE in the mirror...hear your own voice out loud....you did it on the phone....you made it through the audition....on to the live show....
Remember Ed McMahon..............Herrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeee's ( Your Name Here!)
Don't break a leg....(wait until you have the health coverage!)
Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T")

Monday, July 09, 2012

Material Girl?.....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
It was recently asked of me..."how do people do it? how do they go on vacations and buy the things they want?"
Well, the keyword is "want".....do you want a vacation? do you need a vacation? how about those 30 pairs of shoes...(even if they are Payless!)
Our culture lends itself to look at people for "what" they have not "who" they are...
Have you ever described your neighbor as "the person with the Ferrari in the driveway?"....or....have you ever heard someone described as..."there they go, they spent time teaching an adult to read"....
I am not saying that we shouldn't have "material things"....and...maybe if Madonna reads this post she will ask me for  a royalty!...
I'm saying.... ...if you feel good inside...you "look" better...fancy outerwear can't cover up your inner-wear
It's Monday.....hi ho hi ho it's off to work I go....clicking my Manolo Blahniks!:)
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Saturday, July 07, 2012

The Game of Telephone....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Many a joke has been made about the phone.....innuendos abound....it can be the prelude to many great things...or....it can be like taking a cold shower!
Here's how it goes...the resume reader likes what they read...forwards it on to the hiring manager...the green light is pushed and a preliminary phone screen is requested...
Nowadays, people claim they can tell a person's intention in the "tone" of a font...magnify that 110x to the inflection in a voice....
A phone screen is an audition for an" interview"
Do find a quiet space
Don't use your mobile phone (if possible)
Don't do an on the spot...impromptu phone call
Do arrange a mutually convenient time...even if you aren't busy when they call...you need to prepare....just as you would for any professional conversation...
Do stay on topic...the phone is tricky and can cause you to let your guard down!
Remember these ABC's......always be concise!
 Hope to "see" you someday on the phone..
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Happy Independence Day!

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
What does Independence mean to you? Freedom? Self-Sufficiency? The right to choose what you want to do...both professionally and personally?
For me, Independence means creating an environment of "being" independent...
For those of you who have children....the most demanding "job" you will ever have is ensuring that your children have the tools they require to be "independent"...
Recently, your devoted EY was asked..."what would you say is one of your greatest accomplishments"....while I searched my brain for cost and time savings to provide a proper response...the one thing that came to the forefront...
was...."watching my son fly on his own"....he still asks for advice (thank G-d!)......and...here's the really good news..
It's the one position I hold where I won't get downsized!!
Hope you have a safe and "Sparkling" July 4th!!
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Do You Believe in Magic?....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Hmmm...your devoted EY may not necessarily believe in magic (unless it's David Copperfield)...but, I most certainly believe in Karma....
A few things to consider:
The person who terminates you today may be your next interview tomorrow (nothing like reversed roles!)
Always make an impression...the tough part is to make them smile when they remember you
Leave the attitude at the door....you don't want it hitting you in the you know what on your way out
Remember....life is short but, it has a long memory!!!
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Monday, June 18, 2012

Power Struck.....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
My last post was dedicated to those who seek and, I think there's a PS to be said....
Even if the candidate didn't answer your queries exactly the way you would have hoped...
Remember to put the "Human" back in "Resources".....the applicant is still someone's spouse, sibling, child, etc...
You can always find a reason NOT to hire someone...it's the brave soul who "recommends" the hire...
Those who "seek" to use their power appropriately...are the powerful ones....
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Friday, June 15, 2012

Looks Can Be Deceiving....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
(And, this post especially dedicated to those who seek the seekers!)
There are people in life who are practiced and rehearsed "interviewees"...these are the folks that float into the interview room with a smile and healthy handshake...they are in the "know" about their "interviewer", after combing the Internet for that one small morsel that the interviewer will snap up as "showing interest"....In EY's experience, I would rather have the person who isn't so smooth, the person who has integrity.....someone who needs to try harder...not because he/she has to...but, because he/she wants to...
So, to those who "seek"....
What's it gonna be....Dudley Do Right...Or....Eddie Haskell...
May the force be with you...
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Saturday, June 02, 2012

The Missing Link....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Lately, I've been noticing a lot more requests to "Link" on my "Linked In" profile...While I never want to burn a bridge and we never know where someone may wind up....it's fairly straight forward...you don't need to accept everyone's request....remember when you do accept someone...they are able to connect to all of your connections...so, the question in your mind should be..."how will my connections feel about "their" new connection"...
Value added tip: You can remove a connection if you made an error...the missing link won't miss a thing...
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Fifty Shades Trilogy and Becoming the Master of Your 401k Plan

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!

By now everyone has heard about The Fifty Shades Trilogy (Shades of Grey, Darker and Freed)...and...if you haven't...hit Google now....
The story has made quite a media splash and was featured last week on 20/20. It’s a tale about a young girl who is "subservient" to an entrepreneur who can offer her all things that money can buy including opportunities in first rate companies that he buys on a whim.
Some readers are outraged at the story which signifies that a smart, attractive woman could become a second class citizen to a man. Shades, introduces us to Ana, a recent college grad that is idealistic about life and inexperienced when it comes to love. She meets Christian Grey, a self-made millionaire and CEO of his own company who has deeply seeded ambitions to “control” all in his life including Ana both sexually and monetarily. It becomes easy for Ana to be caught up with expensive gifts, high tech toys and unimaginable “trysts”. But, is the story really portraying this? Or....is the story showing us a young woman's struggle to become acquainted with her inner self?...The trilogy can in the eyes of the reader show us that a woman has the ability to make decisions in all aspects of her life...
If there are "Shades of Grey"  ...one thing must remain black and white...do NOT confuse your personal life with your business life...it is a recipe for disaster. The key to a successful 401k portfolio is diversity and level of risk. When spouses work for the same company, their choice of retirement investments are limited which can cause a lack of growth and if the company goes under their combined efforts will follow suit.
Even in the best of scenarios....why would you put all of your eggs into one 401k basket??
Here are some pitfalls to avoid:
1.       Tomorrow is another day: It may have worked for Scarlett O’Hara but, it won’t work here. One of the biggest mistakes is not contributing at all to your company’s 401k plan. Contributing lowers your annual taxable income, and many employers match an employees’ contribution up to a certain amount. This is like getting free money that’s not taxable.
2.       Time Waits for No One: Start early. A Bankrate.com publication stated the following calculation:  “Let's say you invest $200 a month beginning at age 25, and you earn 7 percent annually on that money. By the time you turn 65, you will have about $525,000 saved up. If you wait until you're 35 to begin saving, assuming the same monthly investment and rate of return, you'll have amassed less than half that amount -- about $244,000”
3.       Forbidden Fruit:  It can be very tempting in bad times to use your 401k as a piggy bank but, withdrawing funds can create steep penalties and the money you withdraw (which was not taxed to begin with) will be taxed at your income tax rate.
4.        At Your Own Risk: Younger investors can afford more risk tolerance, while those closer to retirement should be apportioned in more stable options (which leads up to #5)
5.       Beware and Be Aware: Review your choices at least once and year and read your quarterly statement. We are all guilty of “how many hours are in a day”. But, your 401k could be your retirement ticket. Life events like marriage, divorce, bad news about your company, market swings can make things change.. and …your company plan may change.
6.       Hidden Costs: Most people don’t know what their 401k plan is costing them. There are fees taken off the top and given to Wall Street to “manage your account”. Beginning in May 2012, 401k contributors will receive a statement with the breakdown of where the money being allocated for fees is going. It’s a good idea to be in the know!
7.       New Kid on the Block: When you start a new job and you’re the new kid on the block…it goes without saying that you are in the “I gotta prove myself mode”…don’t forget…new job…new 401k plan. While you will still have the other plan…wouldn’t it be easier to roll your plans into one? 
So….KISS = Keep It Simple, Silly and with some work and a (little market luck) - hopefully your retirement life can be Fifty Shades of Green…
 Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Stamp of Rejection....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
A bit about rejection...as a recruiter...this is the hardest call to make...sure, it's easy to extend an offer...but, what about the person(s) who doesn't get the job??...I can't tell you how many times I have thought about "the person left behind"..And, if you have ever been "the person left behind" (and your EY has certainly been there and done that too!)...rest assured...you will land on your feet one day...and...you might be called to interview someone ...sitting opposite you may be the person who left you behind!
Smile..there's a silver lining in every cloud:)
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Friday, May 11, 2012

What My Mother Taught Me...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers..
It's Mother's Day weekend and a few days ago a Tweet appeared..."what has your mother taught you"..so, I started to think about my mom...she was a mix of Lucille Ball and Julia Child...she had fierce integrity and a sharp wit...but, what I remember the most...is she taught me how to be a good mother..(she was a great mother)...what I mean is...she instilled the importance of giving (and oh yes) getting honest and constructive feedback...
A mother is a the person who loves you know matter what..and...when she tells you she doesn't care for your haircut, your dress is too long or your pants are too short...it's because she loves you..
So, on this Mother's Day...this post is for my son...without you...how would I be a mom??
Happy Mother's Day....ALL...
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

A Fate Worse than Death!

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
The answer to the above..."No Internet"....
Your dear EY has been without a connection for more than 24 hours...Sitting here..unplugged...disconnected...I began to to reflect...
I have lived through The Age of Aquarius, The Age of Innocence and believe me..I don't want to go back to the Dark Ages any time soon!
As my fingers twitched..I wondered..."is this how my son feels without FB, LI, Twitter???"...can I blame him for his ever present appendages...his Mac and his IPhone...
I did have a chance to catch up via the phone...thank you, Alexander Graham Bell!
Now, it's Tuesday....take a minute to appreciate all you have...and...I'm getting back to work!
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Thursday, May 03, 2012

The Lonely Planet of a Blogger....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Someone on Twitter (you know who you are) mentioned to EY that it's lonely out here in the Land of Blogger..
A writer wonders, ponders, worries...are the words across this screen taken in the right context...do they laugh as I do..do they smirk as I would...are they even interested!...it must be imminent ....that... with all the buttons, follows and clicks..someday I may be watching The Shark Tank and someone...anyone...will invent a button that will create instant gratification....The Wizard of Bloggery may prompt an installation of applause as I hit the "publish" button...and F10 may cause an "ooouuuing and ahhhhing" when someone visits..
But, then again...there are many stories in the Land of Blogger and this is just one of them!
Your (not so lonely) Yenta...(Just call me "T")
PS If you want to "Pin Me" down...leave a comment:)

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

All A Twitter...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Your dear devoted EY has been bitten by the Twitter bug...I'm so afraid I might miss a Tweet or two..or... four and twenty...no, wrong....not blackbirds...not Tweety Bird....
Seriously, this form of the Social Media craze is fast!...you can get your CV out to thousands in a blink and a click..
But, please be prepared..experienced "tweeters" can smell a newbie a keyboard away...
So, take it from this novice ....think before you "tweet"...you need to walk before your fingers run along the keyboard.
First impressions count!
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Friday, April 27, 2012

Stuck In the Middle....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers...
I'm sure you have known people who play both ends to meet the middle...these are the folks who talk behind your back and then talk behind the behind they are currently talking to!
Remember....if you engage in such activity...chances are all the "behinds" will compare notes...and...you will be left stuck in the middle...then as a fate worse than death...you will be "odd man OUT"...
And....whatever you do..... Never tell anyone anything you don't want everyone to know!
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Cowardly Lion...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Facebook has afforded us the ability to unveil "The Cowardly Lion"...those people who "show off their muscle" with vocal opinion and then don't have the guts to "Face" us...reduced to mush as they slink off our page by "de- or un friending" ...Life is a funny journey...you might feel empowered for a moment..but, that could be just a detour...
Makes you wonder....were they ever worthy of your "friending" to begin with??.."
Your Employment Yenta..(Just call me "T")
 PS..sometimes a detour leads to a dead end!


Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Revenge....No...not the TV series...and...yes...'revenge is sweet but, it fruits are bitter"...in life, will come a time when we all feel we have been wronged!
Our brains swim with ideas and scenarios on "how to get even".....how can we get our point across to an employer who didn't quite see our worth...a peer who took credit for an idea..and..then threw us under the bus!...."getting even" takes so much energy.....like the silent movies of the 20's....visions of our opponents tied to the proverbial train tracks abound!
My dear devoted readers.......the BEST revenge is SUCCESS!....while it might feel good to be in the moment and get it down by telling someone off....isn't is better to leave them thinking..."how did I let that one get away!!"....
And, if you do write that book you've been pondering....dedicate it to the "ones who didn't believe in you"....believe me..they will get the point!..so, here's to the "sweet smell of success"
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Keep It Going...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
You are only as good as you can keep it going!..
I am reminded that I made a very difficult hire..during the process the candidate and I became very close...speaking 2 sometimes 3 times a day...after the offer was accepted I received a call..."I'm not feeling the love anymore"...hmmm...it made me stop and think...it takes hours to form a connection and a second to "almost" lose it....whatever the service or product...if you have had someone say "yes" to you...don't forget your supporters!!
Remember...they are out there talking to "their" supporters!!
Your Employment Yenta..(Just call me "T")

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What's It Worth to You???

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
The hiring process is kind of like a courtship...and...what happens in any courtship when you aren't honest??
Years ago, Yenta's friend's husband......called frantically (yes, it works like that in my world!)...I knew he had been out of work and FINALLY he was offered a role at a Major bank in NYC....one snag....during the process he decided that he was worth a lot more than his actual compensation...So....he inflated his current salary by a LOT...and...now the savvy Bank recruiter requested his W-2 to verify..(actually I think he/she was going to try to create a case for more $$..which is very SOP in the Corporate world)....his voice was a little shaky as he asked me what I thought..I knew he was dead in the water... and...I told him.....the next day they retracted the offer......Corporate recruiters are in the know...(ahem, EY included!)....they know their market place...
So, next time you feel an urge to "inflate" something.....buy a balloon!
Your Employment Yenta..(Just call me "T")

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Checking You Out....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Today's tidbit...."the reference check"....I am more concerned that your employment application...is...accurate and honest....It's a company's responsibility to build a team of responsible employees....you can do EVERYTHING right...get the offer....and...then an outsourced security firm (we don't where!) is charged with making sure everything you said about you "is" you....Most large companies will verify your dates and title of employment...if you thought about s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g it a bit....DON'T!!
Nine times out of ten you will be asked to provide "references"......is this silly??....are you going to offer someone who will say something "bad" about you???...one thought to keep in mind....make sure your references are current...the last thing you want to happen is for someone to call a reference...and...the reference responds..."WHO?"...as they scratch their head and try to bring you back to their memory!
"NEXT" up....Compensation!
Your Employment Yenta..(Just call me "T")

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Pitfalls of a Personality Profile Quiz...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers..
Some companies are going back to basics and administering "Personality Profiles" ....does this mean you have to "have" a personality....no, not really...but, you do need to answer the questions....and....not personally of how "you" think..
You are supposed to think how the client/customer will think and reaction to your actions..
Don't dissect...(this isn't Bio 101!!).....just think how you would feel in a situation where you now have the power to be empowered...
Life is a stage....yes?....cast yourself in a role you can play.....
Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T")

Saturday, April 14, 2012

How Much is Too Much!....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
How much is too much??...3 hot fudge sundaes in one sitting is too much...half a slice of toast for breakfast is not enough....Ok, so how is this relative?....a 3 page resume with an assortment of jobs is way too much!...ask yourself...
"why have I had all of these jobs?"....next question....is it me? or is it them....
Feedback: it's YOU!
If your resume is a litany of 6, 9 or even 12 month gigs...it's time to take stock....
And, whatever you do...condense....put all industry like jobs under one heading...you will definitely have some explaining to do...no matter what the state of the economy....interviewers look for stability...longevity...and...mental agility....
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday the 13th....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Life is....a little bit of what you know and a lot of luck getting to know those you "should" know..
So, as we close out Friday the 13th....pick someone you would like to know..
Choose wisely!!
Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T")


Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Communication....the art of knowing what to say....when and where...when is too much and what is not enough?
There's a fine balance here, dear readers...
After your interview send a thank you note to each person...(it may seem obvious to some)..but, DON'T send the same note...personalize each with a snippet of what you learned from your conversation...reinforce your interest and let it go!
Don't hound the HR person..it takes time for the process to unfold...you will hear back... with busy schedules it may take some time...
The way you follow up is crucial....no statement is a big statement...to stay informed...you must be informed!
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Friday, April 06, 2012

Don't Be A Know It All

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
You've done your job well...YOU got the job....now the fun begins....the honeymoon lasts for about six months of ignorant bliss....your co-workers are sizing you up and your boss' buttons are bursting with pride for his/her brand new hire....sometimes you think you know more than "The Boss"...(no not, Springsteen...the guy who hired you)...and....sometimes you could be right in that assumption...but, one thing rings true..."the boss" was there before you burst upon the scene...so, dollars to donuts...management likes what they see....don't fall prey to thinking you "know it all"....and....when you think you know more than the guy or gal that hired you....Remember....the decision to hire YOU came from "The Boss"!
Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T")
Happy Passover & Happy Easter....

Friday, March 30, 2012

Don't Be the Good Guy...

Hello All Wanted Seekers!
It's human instinct to want to help people...but, there comes a time when you have to make a choice...do you want to help someone at your own expense?
It's the role of a friend...to be a friend...offer honest constructive feedback...and....never put yourself in an uncomfortable situation...it's not good for you...and...it's not good for your friend...
In the end....if you aren't good to "you" are you really good for anyone else??
Leave the doormat at the door to wipe your feet....
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!

Catch on fire with enthusiasm and people will come for miles to watch you burn!
That's right...the enthusiastic upbeat person is a magnet for positive attention...
I would rather hire someone who brings the best energy than the person who knows it all...(or thinks they do!)...
Hiring people is a skill...(acquired I must add) of understanding the importance of what people did before to showcase what they can do in the future...
Your Employment Yenta...(just call me "T")

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Social Media Examiner...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers...
Your dear EY considers herself a Social Media Examiner....kind of like CSI (Collective Sourcing Initiatives)...
A different spin on how to find a job in a very competitive job market...is to....actually job "hunt" your next job.
How many times have you read an article about a company and wished you could work there..
It's not only the potential employer sourcing candidates...as a potential candidate you need to "source" your next company...and...there are so many ways to find information...for FREE
LinkedIn...Pininterest...Stumble...the list goes on and on...join groups...ask alumni questions...
Increase your "circle"...what goes around comes around..
Your Employment Yenta..(Just call me "T")

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The End of Innocence....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Don Henley is still around...the Baby Boomers are retiring...or...are they?....more and more people are returning to the workforce AFTER they retire.....there's a deep commitment that "seasoned" professionals offer ...they can enhance a corporate culture with integrity and teach "new additions" the tricks of navigating the system...
So, all of you Baby Boomers out there..."it ain't over til it's over!"
Dust off that CV ....and...resume readers...(yours truly included)....a balanced workplace is the best workplace!
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Check your P's & Q's

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
The last thing you want is a typo on your resume or cover letter..sometimes good old spell check isn't good enough..
I mean there could be a word that's spelled right..but, doesn't have anything to do with your content...
READ your page over and have a friend over to read it again...if two heads are better than one than four eyes are better than two.....
After all, your dear Yenta's given name is Tina...the letter next to the "i" on the keyboard is "u"...
Sound fishy to you???....
Check your work...
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Am I Sensing a Pattern Here??

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Is there something to be said for having a pattern?? Yes, but only if you can break it...strength comes with understanding what you need to change...why does the Winter have to be cold...I guess the Northeast US has proved it didn't have to be that way this year...
For anyone up on fashion news...the trend for Spring is mixing patterns...keep the colors in the same family but mix and match.
Are you an artist? take a class in writing!
Your career is that way too...be bold...be colorful...change your pattern ..not your format
Your devoted EY, has changed her "pattern"...Get it?
Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T")

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Great Expectations....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
No, not Charles Dickens here...just your ever faithful EY...so, what do I mean? The easy part was making the decision to become an HR professional...the hard part was accepting I would have to start at the bottom...so, years later, I'm bottom's up and here I am your Employment Yenta of "choice".
Have "great expectations".....but...be realistic in your choices...life is full of them..you just have to make the right ones..you can stumble along the way...it's ok..
Who knows...you may wind up as an Employment Yenta Guru!!!
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Nothing from Nothing..Means Nothing

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Over the last few months....your very own EY has seen the market start to turn for the better...contract roles are becoming longer..is this hope on the horizon??
Be realistic in your search...adjust...modify.... Bob Dylan said..."When ya ain't got nothin'..ya got nothin' at all"...and...sometimes...something is better than nothing!
Scary as it might sound....try "something" new...you might find "something" that WORKS!
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Your Corporate DNA...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
CSI is not the only game in town for DNA....every Corporation has it's own culture..it's own DNA....and...your "fingerprint" needs to match that DNA...
Years ago, your dear devoted EY left a company because of a long commute...she joined an organization that manufactured "facilities"...after a few short months she knew her career was literally "going down the tubes"...sometimes it's hard to identify the Corporate culture during the interview process..ask to speak to current employees at similar levels...what do they enjoy most and what would they like fixed...
There is an adjustment period...don't make rash observations of management!!
As for EY...she was able to go back to her former company..and..every day she embraced the long commute...the "fingerprint" was a match!
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Friday, February 24, 2012

Yenta's Week in Review...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Your dear EY just saw a story on the news..it seems a police officer was "stealing" food from the communal frig at the station...after almost a year of MIA lunches and drinks...the detectives decided to install a "food cam"...caught on tape the officer replied...."I was just doing my part to clean out the frig!"...
Ok....so stranger things have happened...have you ever gone to the workplace frig to find your drink, yogurt, etc is missing??
I'm not suggesting your colleagues are not honest...but, have you been missing food or drink?
It's Friday....how about buying a lunch cooler for work!!!
Happy Weekend!
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Leave "Jump" to Van Halen...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers...
Don't "Jump" to conclusions...like Sgt Friday so deftly posed:
"the facts ma'am, just the facts!"...sometimes when you are in the minutia of things you can't separate your emotions to examine the facts....
In these cases...don't take action...phone a friend...vent...and then invoke the Yenta approved 24 hour waiting period before acting..
Let things play out....you just may find that there's a logical reason for someone's actions!
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Difference of Opinion...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
While gathering "opinions" for a vacation...I realized...if you ask six people for opinions..chances are you will get six different answers...
Confusing...the more people I asked...the more different the answers...
In the end...I found...I followed my own opinion...after all...who knows you better than You??
Your Employment Yenta..(Just call me "T")

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Good Life vs The Great Life....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
The other day your dear EY had lunch with some gals...one currently working, one retired and... me..somewhere in the middle...I call it the "semi" sweet spot...
There are many life "options"...some people think "life is good"...but.....no matter what stage of life you are in...
Life can be "great"..if you have the selflessness to give back to the "greater good!"...
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Monday, February 13, 2012

Office Dating.....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
When your EY was starting out as a lowly HR assistant for a prominent Management Consulting firm in NYC...and...although dating within this practice was not the practice...EY fell head over heels for a soon to be partner..
Two things remain true...be prepared...if it doesn't work out...one of you will have to leave..and..if it does work out one of you will have to leave...I mean..why would you put all your eggs in one 401k basket?
The idea of dating in the office can be thrilling...BUT, do you really want to wear your heart on your sleeve...seriously...you might come up "sleeveless"!
Have a great Valentine's day!
Your Employment Yenta..(Just call me "T")

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Money In the Bank...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Know as many people as you can...the connections you make today are money in the bank tomorrow...don't disconnect from the world around you..never live to regret....live to enjoy....
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me"T")

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

On the Wizard of Oz...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!

If we have the courage to use our brains...our hearts will be in the right place....
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T:)

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Failure is the Beginning of Success...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
When I was a little girl and my mom would say "no"...I would often refer to my "friend" who at the time I thought had the BEST mom because she could always do anything she wanted..my mom would inevitably say.."well, I'm not ____'s mom...I am your mom and it's still no!"..
When I had my son I recall having the same conversations and it occurred to me...that kids will be kids and they're all the same..except they answer to different names..
Failure is the beginning of success...if you succeed at everything you do..how will you ever know that you don't like something..because you never had to try...
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Pay Attention to the Signs...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
EY constantly tries to bring you a perspective from personal experiences...and...her sunny slice of life..
Learning what makes people "tick" is an interesting phenomenon, which never ceases to amaze!
Peeling back the onion layers...can make you cry with joy...and....tear with sadness...
People come with baggage...some have a carry on and others a 5 piece unmatched set....
I still maintain that there is good in most...so when a recent encounter took a twist of oddness..I was reminded to take my own..... Yenta approved  advice, " pay attention"...as Rod Serling said..."there's a sign post up ahead...welcome to the Twilight Zone".. It's okay .even Jim Morrison said...People are Strange!
Your Employment Yenta..(Just call me "T"

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Office Spy.....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!

How in the world did your boss find out ________. There's a Jason Bourne in every office...(or it could be a Mata Hari)...either way, walls have ears...and...there's an ear to your boss...you just may not know who that is...
Years ago when EY was employed by a large financial services firm she experienced this first hand...
So, don't have conversations in earshot of someone who appears "too" interested....
Remember...inquiring minds may be inquiring for someone else!
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Confessions of an HRaholic....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
I must confess behaviors and motivations have always been an addiction for your dear EY....Like the famous quote..."some people come into your life for a season...some for a reason...and....some for a lifetime"....
When people stop adding value to your life..it's time to say, "adios non-amigos"...you will find you won't even miss them....it becomes a season of reason!
Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T")

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Secrets from an HR Professional...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
If you have a "secret" ...there's a reason it's a "secret".....EY's dad...THE smartest EY dad in the entire world...taught me early on...NEVER EVER talk about your personal business at work...but, this goes further...in life if you have achieved the success of having one best friend...you have achieved success! ..I'm not referring to a spouse...a spouse holds your secrets as though they were their own...the emotional bond is different...
Most people who travel through our lives are "acquaintances"....acquaint yourself with the difference!...
Life is grand if you choose the right people!
Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T")

Monday, January 16, 2012

If It Quacks Like a Duck...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
And...it looks like a duck...and....it walks like a duck...well..then it must be a duck...
When the signs present themselves....go with it...it's too often we "over analyze" or...give people a "pass"..
People are and should be held accountable for their actions...
Communicating your feelings to work colleagues and personal friends is healthy...relationships take...patience and the courage to be open....
Sometimes the people who appear happiest are the most unhappy....
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Reaching for 1000....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Your devoted Yenta is reaching for 1000 page views...this means somewhere in the world..at least 1000 times EY's words have been read...the demographics are throughout Europe, the USA and the Middle East....regions may have different approaches...but, in the end people are all the same...they seek...health...wealth and success....the order of the category  may change...that doesn't make the person "out of order'!
Today's tidbit speaks of being the bigger person...size doesn't matter...if you want to develop your coping skills in life you need to be able to express yourself...don't let anyone rent space in your head for free!
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Always be Prepared....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
As a previous Girl Scout living in the Big Apple...I can tell you that life is not always the way the cookie crumbles...
Being prepared for the things that come your way happens with time and experience...
If you don't experience life and all is has to offer....your bubble might burst with you inside it!
The sights and sounds of the city kept this city girl alert....be alert and be prepared...
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Monday, January 09, 2012

The Hermit Crab

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
In reality a hermit crab leaves it first shell to inhabit another...
Whether you are in between roles...happy in role...retired and not in role...keep yourself engaged in life...
A productive mind is a healthy mind...this means....people...people...and...more people...
The way I see it....inward bound causes boundaries...and...the adventure of living can be lost..the only outcome of being a hermit is.....it will make you a crab!
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Sunday, January 08, 2012

What Are You Waiting For....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
It seems the posts are coming fast and furiously these days..as I share "Yenta's slice of life".

Does this sounds familiar:
1. I'll update my resume soon
2. I'll start my job search in a few weeks
3. We'll buy that new house when we have the money
4. A baby?....not yet

There's no time like the present...choices are "priceless"...if you don't "make" a decision...you will pay a heftier price down the road!

Enjoy your Sunday....tomorrow is the beginning of a fresh week!
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Where's the Beef

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
If you have a beef with someone...confront the issue and let it go...going to Bobby or Susie to check things out about your "fly in the ointment"....brings non-participants into the mix.... the more sophisticated term for stirring the pot is "triangulation".
In life there are people who are not comfortable with themselves ..they skirt issues....remain silent....and sometimes act like nothing is bothering them...when in fact... Mt. Vesuvius is erupting inside...
Passive aggressive behavior may make situations more chaotic ...stop them in their tracks....confront...let it go and finally... walk away....
It's the sign of a Leader!
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

The Circle of Life.....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers...

This post is dedicated to Yenta's friends...for those who have been there for me during this transition period...
I am convinced you "can" teach an old dog new tricks <woof>
For the members of HRNEXT...what would I do without you...you are all wonderful in your own right...my Novartis colleagues...I guess we proved that "retirement" has been removed from the dictionary....
To my NJ friends....we are "almost" ready for that visit....and...for my new neighbors for making us feel so welcomed during what could have been a lonely Holiday season...
In the circle of life...I have been blessed to have made American friends in France....met long lost family in Hungary...
2012 will be filled with tips and tricks for employment and life in general as I see it...(I promise it will not be an extended version of "The Office"!)
Be square...be there..
Your ever grateful Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")