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Monday, March 25, 2013

Bring it On!

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers...
Sound like a challenge?....well, it could be...but, not in this case...at work...at home...and in general life...people bring on their own problems...It's not so long ago that I discovered this revelation...and...I'm a staunch believer... it's 20% of what you know and 80% of who you know...and...that 20% can be a real killer....sometimes we are our worst enemy instead of our own best friend.
You take an action...as it's happening...you tell yourself..."this is not the appropriate behavior for the situation"...but, for some reason...you convince yourself..."it's the principle...and...I am sticking with this plan"....
Here's a thought straight from the Yenta files:
After the termination....I reflected on the past performance of the employee...I noted that even after repeated conversations they continued to spiral down.....they brought on their own demise....
So, the way you act in a "situation"..and.....the course of action that you take today....sets you up for tomorrow....
Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T"

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Ides of March and Beyond...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
I have often wondered why St. Patrick's Day directly follows The Ides of March...were the Romans on to something?...Is it another case of survival of the fittest??....
I remain on record with my belief that things happen for a reason...so....I'm going to kick back and let today pass....and...perhaps the Lucky Leprechaun will deliver a pot o' gold on Sunday..or at least a bowl of Lucky Charms!
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Thursday, March 07, 2013


Hello All Help Wanted Seekers...
It seems to me that most expect their choices in life to follow the path as they expect....but... life is a series of moments each unique...so..how can the road remain the same??... since today is different than yesterday...and...who knows about tomorrow...there are no mistakes just a series of "do overs"...and.....opportunities for solutions....of course, everyone knows you can make lemonade out of lemons...but, what happens if you get stuck with a lemon?
The way you answer this will charter your course.....the choice is yours!...(Now, THAT makes sense)
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")