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Friday, April 27, 2012

Stuck In the Middle....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers...
I'm sure you have known people who play both ends to meet the middle...these are the folks who talk behind your back and then talk behind the behind they are currently talking to!
Remember....if you engage in such activity...chances are all the "behinds" will compare notes...and...you will be left stuck in the middle...then as a fate worse than death...you will be "odd man OUT"...
And....whatever you do..... Never tell anyone anything you don't want everyone to know!
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Cowardly Lion...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Facebook has afforded us the ability to unveil "The Cowardly Lion"...those people who "show off their muscle" with vocal opinion and then don't have the guts to "Face" us...reduced to mush as they slink off our page by "de- or un friending" ...Life is a funny journey...you might feel empowered for a moment..but, that could be just a detour...
Makes you wonder....were they ever worthy of your "friending" to begin with??.."
Your Employment Yenta..(Just call me "T")
 PS..sometimes a detour leads to a dead end!


Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Revenge....No...not the TV series...and...yes...'revenge is sweet but, it fruits are bitter"...in life, will come a time when we all feel we have been wronged!
Our brains swim with ideas and scenarios on "how to get even".....how can we get our point across to an employer who didn't quite see our worth...a peer who took credit for an idea..and..then threw us under the bus!...."getting even" takes so much energy.....like the silent movies of the 20's....visions of our opponents tied to the proverbial train tracks abound!
My dear devoted readers.......the BEST revenge is SUCCESS!....while it might feel good to be in the moment and get it down by telling someone off....isn't is better to leave them thinking..."how did I let that one get away!!"....
And, if you do write that book you've been pondering....dedicate it to the "ones who didn't believe in you"....believe me..they will get the point!..so, here's to the "sweet smell of success"
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Keep It Going...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
You are only as good as you can keep it going!..
I am reminded that I made a very difficult hire..during the process the candidate and I became very close...speaking 2 sometimes 3 times a day...after the offer was accepted I received a call..."I'm not feeling the love anymore"...hmmm...it made me stop and think...it takes hours to form a connection and a second to "almost" lose it....whatever the service or product...if you have had someone say "yes" to you...don't forget your supporters!!
Remember...they are out there talking to "their" supporters!!
Your Employment Yenta..(Just call me "T")

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What's It Worth to You???

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
The hiring process is kind of like a courtship...and...what happens in any courtship when you aren't honest??
Years ago, Yenta's friend's husband......called frantically (yes, it works like that in my world!)...I knew he had been out of work and FINALLY he was offered a role at a Major bank in NYC....one snag....during the process he decided that he was worth a lot more than his actual compensation...So....he inflated his current salary by a LOT...and...now the savvy Bank recruiter requested his W-2 to verify..(actually I think he/she was going to try to create a case for more $$..which is very SOP in the Corporate world)....his voice was a little shaky as he asked me what I thought..I knew he was dead in the water... and...I told him.....the next day they retracted the offer......Corporate recruiters are in the know...(ahem, EY included!)....they know their market place...
So, next time you feel an urge to "inflate" something.....buy a balloon!
Your Employment Yenta..(Just call me "T")

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Checking You Out....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Today's tidbit...."the reference check"....I am more concerned that your employment application...is...accurate and honest....It's a company's responsibility to build a team of responsible employees....you can do EVERYTHING right...get the offer....and...then an outsourced security firm (we don't where!) is charged with making sure everything you said about you "is" you....Most large companies will verify your dates and title of employment...if you thought about s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g it a bit....DON'T!!
Nine times out of ten you will be asked to provide "references"......is this silly??....are you going to offer someone who will say something "bad" about you???...one thought to keep in mind....make sure your references are current...the last thing you want to happen is for someone to call a reference...and...the reference responds..."WHO?"...as they scratch their head and try to bring you back to their memory!
"NEXT" up....Compensation!
Your Employment Yenta..(Just call me "T")

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Pitfalls of a Personality Profile Quiz...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers..
Some companies are going back to basics and administering "Personality Profiles" ....does this mean you have to "have" a personality....no, not really...but, you do need to answer the questions....and....not personally of how "you" think..
You are supposed to think how the client/customer will think and reaction to your actions..
Don't dissect...(this isn't Bio 101!!).....just think how you would feel in a situation where you now have the power to be empowered...
Life is a stage....yes?....cast yourself in a role you can play.....
Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T")

Saturday, April 14, 2012

How Much is Too Much!....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
How much is too much??...3 hot fudge sundaes in one sitting is too much...half a slice of toast for breakfast is not enough....Ok, so how is this relative?....a 3 page resume with an assortment of jobs is way too much!...ask yourself...
"why have I had all of these jobs?"....next question....is it me? or is it them....
Feedback: it's YOU!
If your resume is a litany of 6, 9 or even 12 month gigs...it's time to take stock....
And, whatever you do...condense....put all industry like jobs under one heading...you will definitely have some explaining to do...no matter what the state of the economy....interviewers look for stability...longevity...and...mental agility....
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday the 13th....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Life is....a little bit of what you know and a lot of luck getting to know those you "should" know..
So, as we close out Friday the 13th....pick someone you would like to know..
Choose wisely!!
Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T")


Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Communication....the art of knowing what to say....when and where...when is too much and what is not enough?
There's a fine balance here, dear readers...
After your interview send a thank you note to each person...(it may seem obvious to some)..but, DON'T send the same note...personalize each with a snippet of what you learned from your conversation...reinforce your interest and let it go!
Don't hound the HR person..it takes time for the process to unfold...you will hear back... with busy schedules it may take some time...
The way you follow up is crucial....no statement is a big statement...to stay informed...you must be informed!
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Friday, April 06, 2012

Don't Be A Know It All

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
You've done your job well...YOU got the job....now the fun begins....the honeymoon lasts for about six months of ignorant bliss....your co-workers are sizing you up and your boss' buttons are bursting with pride for his/her brand new hire....sometimes you think you know more than "The Boss"...(no not, Springsteen...the guy who hired you)...and....sometimes you could be right in that assumption...but, one thing rings true..."the boss" was there before you burst upon the scene...so, dollars to donuts...management likes what they see....don't fall prey to thinking you "know it all"....and....when you think you know more than the guy or gal that hired you....Remember....the decision to hire YOU came from "The Boss"!
Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T")
Happy Passover & Happy Easter....