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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I, Positive

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
I, Positive...no, it's not a new blood type..neither a donor or receiver...it's a way of thinking...when you radiate good..you receive good things in return...
It's not easy to be upbeat in this economy and we have definitely fallen on hard times...EY tells her son..."every knock you take builds character"...his response..."if I have any more character...I will fit right in at Disney!"
No, this isn't a sermon...it's a reminder...life is a series of boomerangs....and... each choice we make sets us up for the next...
So, What's Next? Who knows...I'm not a clairvoyant!....that's the beauty of life...stop reading the last page in the book!
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Monday, July 30, 2012

Words with Friends and Then Some....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Your word is your bond....you own and control it...in other words...you are accountable for your actions.
Most of the time when you are "in process" with a company...the recruiter will ask:
"what happens if we make you an offer and your current employer counteroffers"....
Counteroffers do not work for a myriad of reasons...think about it....where were they when they had you?
You say you are leaving and suddenly you are promotable??...
And, what about the company that has an accepted offer from you??
Words can always take on a different spin....and...this post can keep you honest!
Talk is cheap and "show me the money"....
Yesterday...one of my followers told me she is "Tall for her height!"....
In short...although I am short for my height... I am never short on wordy advice:)
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Small Business is Big Business...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Your dear EY has been doing some research....did you know there's a growing trend among retired workers to form a small business...........how about doing something you really love....take charge of your dreams.....some people are naturally curious...they take a concept and run with it....Velcro closings for sneakers?....although invented in 1948....Puma lead the way in  1968 to apply the use of Velcro for sneakers...
Out of work doesn't mean out of ideas..... retired? "re-hire" yourself!
And, if you are working....what's your sideline?
Everyone has an angle!
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Word About Recycling.....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
It seems to me that all too often we treat people like they are "disposable".....they can make a mistake five years ago and we still hang on to their "faux pas".....
A person can learn from their mistakes and be even better for them..
So, next time you toss a newspaper into the recycle bin....remember... you save trees....how about saving people....and..if you are brave enough to give someone a second chance.....they just might remember you when YOU need to be recycled!
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Monday, July 23, 2012

EY's Guide to the HR Galaxy.....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!

 Today's savvy world filled with buzz words like...

Learning Agility:   how much can you really teach an old dog
Global Mobility:   a not so free ticket to see the world
Development Needs:  he/she stinks at _______
Downsize, Right size:  stick a fork in...you are done!
Breaking down the silos:  Farmville neighbors sharing their "gifts"
Alignment:  Agree to Agree
Transition:  out of work
Hi Pot:  a person on the fast track..not a green leafy plant
Out of the Box thinking:  a person who scratches his/her head a lot
Self- starter:   Someone who does the job without training because there's no money for training
Multitask:   An action of throwing spaghetti or your ideas up on the wall and hoping one of them sticks
And last but not limited to my favorite:  "team player"...a person who had great parties in school

Beam me up, Scotty!....
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Saturday, July 21, 2012

@ALL; Thank you:)

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Your EY always tries to be polite...but, so little time and so much to do!
So, thank you "new" and "old" followers alike.. ....thank you for your RT = "re-tweets"....tweeting original and thought provoking tweets....blog entries...newsworthy articles to keep your attention..it's a lot!..and.....all on the Internet highway...thank goodness the Twitter police haven't pulled me over yet!
The notion of an officer with a shiny twitter badge..."ma'am...do you know why we are stopping you this evening"...
"I have no idea, officer"...."well, see here, EY you didn't thank someone for "re-tweeting" your pearls of wisdom...I'm gonna let you go with a warning this time...BUT don't let it happen again"...
So, as Elvis said..."thank ya very much..thank ya very much"
(I do appreciate all of my dear readers and followers)...
Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T")

Monday, July 16, 2012


Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Someone asked me if I "really" retired...what does that mean? does anyone really "ever" retire?
For EY, Retire is only a word in the dictionary....and...not her vocabulary....actually, work can be a "stressbuster"
Here are the benefits:
You eat less because you are drawn into the politics and your stomach is churning
You sleep less (which means you never miss a trick!) because you are plotting your next move
You  shop less because you are at your desk while the stores are open and you are way too tired by the time the weekend rolls around
You argue less with your significant other because you don't have a lot of time with them.
So, to sum things up...working means you are:
Thin, rich and very alert!
(what could be bad?)
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Friday, July 13, 2012

The World is a Stage....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
And....so is the interview room....sitting on the other side of the desk....and....being the one to be questioned...I would play the following game...
Pressing the imaginary button on my shoulder I would repeat ..."Ok...you're on!..the stage has been set and you are a one woman show!"....yes...it's nerve wracking....you've worked so hard to get to this point...another milestone in the "process"...don't fold now!
Rest up the night before...PRACTICE in the mirror...hear your own voice out loud....you did it on the phone....you made it through the audition....on to the live show....
Remember Ed McMahon..............Herrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeee's ( Your Name Here!)
Don't break a leg....(wait until you have the health coverage!)
Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T")

Monday, July 09, 2012

Material Girl?.....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
It was recently asked of me..."how do people do it? how do they go on vacations and buy the things they want?"
Well, the keyword is "want".....do you want a vacation? do you need a vacation? how about those 30 pairs of shoes...(even if they are Payless!)
Our culture lends itself to look at people for "what" they have not "who" they are...
Have you ever described your neighbor as "the person with the Ferrari in the driveway?"....or....have you ever heard someone described as..."there they go, they spent time teaching an adult to read"....
I am not saying that we shouldn't have "material things"....and...maybe if Madonna reads this post she will ask me for  a royalty!...
I'm saying.... ...if you feel good inside...you "look" better...fancy outerwear can't cover up your inner-wear
It's Monday.....hi ho hi ho it's off to work I go....clicking my Manolo Blahniks!:)
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Saturday, July 07, 2012

The Game of Telephone....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Many a joke has been made about the phone.....innuendos abound....it can be the prelude to many great things...or....it can be like taking a cold shower!
Here's how it goes...the resume reader likes what they read...forwards it on to the hiring manager...the green light is pushed and a preliminary phone screen is requested...
Nowadays, people claim they can tell a person's intention in the "tone" of a font...magnify that 110x to the inflection in a voice....
A phone screen is an audition for an" interview"
Do find a quiet space
Don't use your mobile phone (if possible)
Don't do an on the spot...impromptu phone call
Do arrange a mutually convenient time...even if you aren't busy when they call...you need to prepare....just as you would for any professional conversation...
Do stay on topic...the phone is tricky and can cause you to let your guard down!
Remember these ABC's......always be concise!
 Hope to "see" you someday on the phone..
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Happy Independence Day!

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
What does Independence mean to you? Freedom? Self-Sufficiency? The right to choose what you want to do...both professionally and personally?
For me, Independence means creating an environment of "being" independent...
For those of you who have children....the most demanding "job" you will ever have is ensuring that your children have the tools they require to be "independent"...
Recently, your devoted EY was asked..."what would you say is one of your greatest accomplishments"....while I searched my brain for cost and time savings to provide a proper response...the one thing that came to the forefront...
was...."watching my son fly on his own"....he still asks for advice (thank G-d!)......and...here's the really good news..
It's the one position I hold where I won't get downsized!!
Hope you have a safe and "Sparkling" July 4th!!
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")