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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Note to my younger self

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!

CBS This Morning has a Friday segment..."Note to my younger self"...some .people highlighted have been Dr. Ruth and Art Garfunkle....I did a google search and learned...this idea is nothing new...and  there are  many entries on the Internet..

My mind was racing...I am not famous...or rich....but, my life has been a woven tapestry of experiences rich with lessons learned...some easier than others....and this..… "Note to my younger self" …with a dedication to my son, Daniel…

It wasn't easy for me to have you, Dan... I followed my mother’s lead, and,  had you later in life....there were miscarriages....surgeries....medicines......

We were about to give up when a miracle occurred....a heartbeat...your heartbeat...you were alive inside of me...as you grew stronger the months flew by and I knew you would arrive safely...perhaps not on schedule, .but, I was prepared....I can still recall the nurse's voice as you entered the world..."It's a boy and he's adorable"....I think I was scared to death as the responsibility of "you" became reality....how can I know what to do?...how can I know what to say?....silly me, it all comes on naturally...."you just know"....there isn't a right or a wrong...we make it up as we go along...the first few weeks were scary as I began my new job of being your mom...I was lucky to have the good fortune of being at home with you and dad was patient as he kept his promise, ”Have a baby, I’ll do everything” and  yes…he did everything... But, ...your first pediatrician appointment came with a shock as the doctor thought she heard something out of sync...our visit with a pediatric cardiologist confirmed that there was a "hole" in your heart and I think I felt a "hole" gnawing in me….

The next few years proved to be difficult....we lost my dad..”, your grandpa”....the man who read The New York Times to you instead of a story...I know you can't recall, but, he made the financial news sound like a fairytale...as I reflect, there was more truth to that than not!......as we continued to monitor your heart  it became apparent that we would need to take action to address your problem...and...BOOM...another setback...Dad's place of business closed.....we were left with bills...bills and more bills....no medical insurance and no more doctor visits for you...it's at this point in my life that I gathered all the strength I could muster and made a deal with myself that no matter what, our little family would make it through...I began a quest to protect the nucleus…our family…

Born into an adult family, I came as a "surprise"....my brother was almost fourteen years my senior...I'm sure he was wondering..."why me" ....I was a thorn in his side as the words resonated from my mother, "take your sister with you!"....over the years as we "caught up" in age...we bridged the gap and we shared the phenomena of a sibling relationship.....the one who knows you longer than anyone else...a spouse, parent and child..."Bobby" celebrated your birth and became your Godfather....he visited you every day in your infancy and was disappointed if he arrived and you were sleeping. He was not a person who wanted children of his own but, you were special to him....his nephew....his blood and someone he could protect…in the prime of his life....he was taken from us ...his body giving in to the terrible disease of cancer. I think at that moment my life changed forever…I wasn’t a “little sister”.

Four short weeks after Bobby’s passing, my mom, mommy, “gramma” et al went to sleep and never awoke. She had not been sick and although she had “us”…Dad, me and you…she could not withstand the loss of her son…her boy…it was Halloween and I thought that the Universe had played the biggest trick on me and us and I became an adult orphan…

Adult, survival, inventive, these became the new words in my vocabulary. Dan, the way the hair on the back of your head formed a swirl….I could pick you out in a group of hundreds…zoning in and remarking….”there he is…that’s my swirl”…You gave me courage to try things I never thought possible and as I sit here and reflect on the times that weren’t so good, I know the not so good times  allowed me to  treasure the good times…the year we spent as the NJ Poster Child for the hospital that “fixed” your heart…..dad finding a second career and going on to finish his Masters’…tackling the financial setbacks and moving forward.

You grew up quickly and have depth beyond your years. I read the things your write and I am marveled at the gift you have with words…I sit back and say…this is my son, my boy, “my guy” and my butch…. the music you create plays in my head..….I could not have accomplished my purpose without you…you have taught me so much…you are fair and honest…..and sometimes (even now), when I get angry and I think someone has wronged me..…you have the ability to make me understand that all people make mistakes and everyone deserves a second chance…..This “Note to my younger self” is a synopsis of my journey….If I didn’t have you then perhaps, I would have remained in my younger self…..and…perhaps, I wouldn’t be able to appreciate the more matured self I have become…not Forever Young…

Dear readers…we all have a younger self…what’s yours?

Your Employment Yenta…(Just call me “T”)…..Happy Holidays….be safe….



Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
It's been a very busy past few months and although I haven't had much time to "Blog", I have been collecting thoughts and nuggets to share...
So...what is a B.L.O.G??..
When you believe in something, you live it....
Owining opinions affords you the gift of giving them....
The best advice I can offer....
When people remember you.,....make sure they smile...
Your Employment Yenta ....(Just call me "T")

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Time to "Un-Tire".....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Most of you know I took a stab at "retiring". This experiment lasted about 3 weeks and I was back in the swing of things...or...on the hunt for talent....
When I thought about it...I wondered...why do they call it "Re-Tire"....does that mean we take a do over on being tired? ....this didn't make any sense to your dear Yenta.......I don't know anyone who enjoys being "tired"...."tired" to me sounds OLD....a fate worse than death, dear ones!
Doing things because you "have" to....can get real tired.... real soon...
So, from this moment forward..we shall proclaim a new era....the time of "Un-Tire"....this simply means....do what you love to do...for the sake of loving it...
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Labor Day....An Oxymoron....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!

Labor Day signfies the end of Summer....If most are off on Labor Day...why don't we call it... No Labor Day...or Lack of Labor Day...of Laborless Day...
This holiday weekend...enjoy the fruits of your labor....relax...eat...and...shop...what's better!
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

86 Million Strong...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers....

This post is dedicated to those who "help the seekers"...yours truly included...
There are 86 million millenials (that's 7% more than the Baby Boomer generation) ...and...the 18-29 set is actively enrolled in the talent pool.
These bright, eager and highly educated people are not "experienced". We, as hiring professionals are keen on finding high potential, bright candidates who posess a superior level of learning agility.
This population certainly meets that criteria! But, they are inexperienced.
Baby Boomers followed the path of....decide what you want to study...study it...and...good, bad or indifferent...this is your fate...
The millenials on the other hand....test...chance....and redesign...we admire them...if they crash and burn and they change their course...
The next time you decline a millenial because they are inexperienced or the interview is not as "crisp" as you would like..
Will Steady Eddie make the next discovery??...or are you looking for a Magellan...an explorerer who will create!
Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T")

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Tales of The Fixer

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Sometimes, I am guilty of accepting responsibilities for mistakes that are not duly mine...Perhaps it's my "Yenta" upbringing that causes me to pause and say.."Yes, it was me...my fault....how can I fix it"...Now, that I reflect...it could be that I consider myself "the fixer"....so, with that said...no one can fix everything and why fix something if it's not broken???
Do own up to your mistakes but, don't take on those that are not rightfully yours. Sometimes, the more you try to fix something the more it breaks....
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Saturday, May 04, 2013

Drawing the Lines of Communication....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
It's far better to keep your clients, friends and/or peers informed instead of creating doubt and wonder.
As an HR professional I have made it my mantra to partner on the good, the not so good and the unknown.
Just because I haven't been able to send able bodies doesn't mean I'm not "ably"  seeking them.... I will routinely pick up the phone (yes, that old fashioned vehicle for hearing a person's voice...how novel!)...and..touch base to keep them posted....Keeping people informed establishes a high level of integrity. Never over promise and under deliver! Honest and open communication is an acquired skill....
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")
PS... Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Checks and Balances...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Perhaps this post isn't for those who seek help in the way it was meant to be...and.. maybe, we need to start thinking of protecting ourselves in all ways.
The question begs to be answered. If 99.9% of companies conduct criminal background checks and medical screenings on their new hires...why would we not do this for John Q. Citizen who is requesting a firearm?  Why should these items be sold over the Internet?
 Necessary services are being cut and yet we allow Internet sales that are non-taxed.
There seems to be something wrong with this picture.
I don't think it's about "gun control" ...I think it's just part of "control" and who is really in control!
Please tell me how this is not "reasonable"
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Thursday, April 04, 2013

Your EPA....

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers...
 Everyone should have their own Environmental Protection Agency...aka...."your space"....As most of you know, your dear Yenta has left the city life and lights behind and settled into the country...I have learned over the last few months....it's not "how" you hang your hat that affects you...it's "where" you hang it....The tranquility of the country has allowed me to focus on my work life, my extended life and my creativity...
The cobwebs of any negativity have been self removed....
So, next time you are feeling out of sorts...take out your Swifter...and...whatever, you do...do not let anyone rent space in your head for free!
And, if you are in the neighborhood...stop by:)
All comments and questions welcomed..
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Monday, March 25, 2013

Bring it On!

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers...
Sound like a challenge?....well, it could be...but, not in this case...at work...at home...and in general life...people bring on their own problems...It's not so long ago that I discovered this revelation...and...I'm a staunch believer... it's 20% of what you know and 80% of who you know...and...that 20% can be a real killer....sometimes we are our worst enemy instead of our own best friend.
You take an action...as it's happening...you tell yourself..."this is not the appropriate behavior for the situation"...but, for some reason...you convince yourself..."it's the principle...and...I am sticking with this plan"....
Here's a thought straight from the Yenta files:
After the termination....I reflected on the past performance of the employee...I noted that even after repeated conversations they continued to spiral down.....they brought on their own demise....
So, the way you act in a "situation"..and.....the course of action that you take today....sets you up for tomorrow....
Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T"

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Ides of March and Beyond...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
I have often wondered why St. Patrick's Day directly follows The Ides of March...were the Romans on to something?...Is it another case of survival of the fittest??....
I remain on record with my belief that things happen for a reason...so....I'm going to kick back and let today pass....and...perhaps the Lucky Leprechaun will deliver a pot o' gold on Sunday..or at least a bowl of Lucky Charms!
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Thursday, March 07, 2013


Hello All Help Wanted Seekers...
It seems to me that most expect their choices in life to follow the path as they expect....but... life is a series of moments each unique...so..how can the road remain the same??... since today is different than yesterday...and...who knows about tomorrow...there are no mistakes just a series of "do overs"...and.....opportunities for solutions....of course, everyone knows you can make lemonade out of lemons...but, what happens if you get stuck with a lemon?
The way you answer this will charter your course.....the choice is yours!...(Now, THAT makes sense)
Your Employment Yenta (Just call me "T")

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Returning from the Point of No Return...

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Lately we  have all been on the edge of one cliff or another...air space is shrinking.. and...before we know it there will be one airline...talk about Big Brother!
But, fear not..Rocket J Squirrel is back from the point of no return...and..by the way...if you get a return on the investment you make in yourself...than the point of no return isn't pointless...
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Welcome Mat

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
First off, Happy New Year...even though we are closer to Valentine's Day.....I hope your 2013 is bringing you good health and good fortune...
Now, for work...There comes a time when you need to take stock and assess your situation....sometimes, it's difficult for us to accept that things may not be going our way...and..we try in earnest to "fix" what's broken...sometimes it works and other times our zealous causes the situation to continue to spiral downward...the more we try...the deeper we get...it's at these times, we need to step back and ask ourselves..."Have we reached the point of no return? Have we worn out our welcome?"....there's nothing wrong in moving on...the only fault we may have is holding on..
Words to think about...
Your Employment Yenta...(Just call me "T")