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Thursday, October 25, 2012

EY Hits the Big Apple

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!
Your dear EY went back to her roots this weekend and hit the Big Apple....
The streets were crowded....the stores were mobbed....Broadway shows were in sell out mode and restaurants had a 2 1/2 hour wait.

I even frequented a restaurant that touted to have the #10 Ladies Room in the country...and...the vote was on to make it #1...How could I pass up an opportunity to see that "facility"...and..what a "facility" it was...waterfalls and all.

When someone thinks of NYC an iconic man comes to mind...The Donald...This morning I awake to learn that Mr. Trump has "challenged" the President. He is offering the President five million dollars to be donated to the charity of his choice..in exchange for the release of the President's college records.

Is this how charity works???.....you give with the expectation of getting???....
I'm pretty sure if someone pulled a stunt like that on The Celebrity Apprentice....we would hear the familiar echo from Mr. Trump....."YOU'RE FIRED".....

Of course, Mr. Trump and the rest of the Trumpettes have money to burn and a political agenda...

Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T")

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