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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Job Hop...Not a Very "Hip" Hop

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers!

The following is a multiple choice question:
What does job hopping do for your career?

a) it makes for a very long cv/resume
b) it shows the interviewer that you don't have a commitment to the organization
c) changing jobs before two years in role doesn't give the employer or the employee adequate time to demonstrate the return on investment
d) money and title are your drivers
e) all of the above

The answer is "e"...all of the above

The largest cost (and investment) to an organization is bringing someone new on board. It's not the recruitment costs.. it's the time and effort that go into acclimating a new recruit and training them..Once on board a new hire is not fully functioning for a least 3-6 months depending on the complexity of the organization. After learning the environment it usually takes another 6-9 months to build relationships within the business unit and extended company.
Yenta says..."Give yourself a chance to shine in your role"...think about it...how long did it take to find your current role??...the more you move the less likely someone will be inclined to take a chance on hiring you...So, your dear Yenta advises..."stay a minimum of 24 months....36 months is better"..and...you just never know...maybe someone else will "hop along" and you will be in the right place at the right time.... since you proved yourself....the organization will move YOU up...
Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T")

1 comment:

  1. Well said young lady. I worked for one organization for longer than I can remember.. Hope all is good with you
