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Thursday, August 04, 2011

The Amazing Adventure of EY

Hello All Help Wanted Seekers...

This your Employment Yenta checking in to tell you all about her newest adventure..today dear followers..EY...was out in the middle of a lake on her best friend's boat...(now you know EY is a real city slicker and the country life has come upon her quite suddenly)....cruising along...we stop...we chat..and...guess what....the boat won't start! ..our friends...(the coolest)...keep their calm...and...we wave down a man on a Yamaha... (it was a scene straight out of Bay Watch!)...
So, the morale to the story...is....keep your cool and be prepared for the unexpected! ..Never take things for granted..
And, always Pay it Forward...
Your Employment Yenta....(Just call me "T")

1 comment:

  1. Well,'T', you kept your cool pretty well too! But then, you are very cool! Love you!
